Blurb Magazine

[ TYPE ]

Editorial Design  :  Layout


——  During a class in publication design, we were read a quote by media philosopher Marshall McLuhan, “the future of the book is the blurb”, and asked to design a printed work inspired by these words. In today’s busy media landscape, where most of us no longer have the patience for longform content, it often feels like we’re only getting part of each story we see, hear, and read.

——  I chose to interpret McLuhan’s words through the lens of a fashion magazine. What would it look like if the likes of Vogue and Elle started displaying their content in this truncated, fragmentary way? What are the ramifications of us already consuming our news like that? These thoughts guided the design of my experimental publication.

[ TAGS ]

School  :  2018  :  InDesign


Blurb Magazine


During a class in publication design, we were read a quote by media philosopher Marshall McLuhan, “the future of the book is the blurb”, and asked to design a printed work inspired by these words. In today’s busy media landscape, where most of us no longer have the patience for longform content, it often feels like we’re only getting part of each story we see, hear, and read.

I chose to interpret McLuhan’s words through the lens of a fashion magazine. What would it look like if the likes of Vogue and Elle started displaying their content in this truncated, fragmentary way? What are the ramifications of us already consuming our news like that? These thoughts guided the design of my experimental publication.

[ TYPE ]

Editorial Design  :  Layout

[ TAGS ]

School  :  2018  :  InDesign